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Girl Student Smiling

Leadership for effective Service-Learning Programs

Time/Duration: 1 – 3 days

Understanding the framework to effective Service Learning in your school through critical self-analysis of alignment of strategic planning with consistent: clarity, curriculum integration, offerings for student learning and leadership, systems for sustainability, accountability, roles and responsibilities toward a culture of Service Learning

Student Hand Writing

Backward By Design
Time/Duration: 1 – 3 days

Thinking with the end in mind using Understanding By Design (Wiggins and McTighe) UbD Stages: Intended Learning, Assessment, Learning Plan and Reflection. Alignment of the stages and Integration of Service Learning meaningfully.

Serve Learn - Heroic Teacher Working with Students

Service-Learning Integration
Time/Duration: 1 – 3 days

Understanding meaningful Service Learning Integration in any curriculum framework using various entry points. Units, assessments, learning plans, partners and collaboratives are explored at all grade levels through examples and effective resources.

Teacher Assessment for Learning

Assessment for Learning
Time/Duration: 1 – 2 days

Understanding of how formative assessment is part of everyday teaching activities. Specific topics include: Identifying intended learning, providing feedback efficiently and effectively, planning for instructional interventions, preparing students to track, reflect on, and share their learning progress. Teaching students to self-assess and set goals for efficacy-by using practices that develop a self-directed learning mindset in all students.

Teacher and Student Smiling

Developing Classroom Assessments
Time/Duration: 1 – 2 days

Understanding of how to audit or develop high-quality classroom assessments by determining purpose (formative/summative) Establishing clear learning targets/outcomes, deconstruct standards into lesson-level learning targets/objectives, select the appropriate assessment method to match the purpose and type of learning target/objective to be assessed, and learn to plan, critique, administer, and revise assessments.

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